


Language and Literacy

We cover all the main 3 languages which are English, Mandarin and Bahasa Malaysia. The core competency in understanding and speaking is essential, laying the foundation for the more advance reading and writing skills. Learning is made fun through Cooking and Art/Craft activities.



In our Maths programme, children are given repeated opportunities to practice, problem-solve and consolidate the ideas and concepts taught in class. The focus is on understanding and applying the knowledge learned.


Physical Education

Our programme is a combination of structured and unstructured play time. We provide engaging and skill based activities to develop children’s motor skills and social skills.


Music & Movement

Music’s melodic and rhythmic patterns provide exercise for the brain and help develop memory. Who among us learned the ABC’s without the ABC song? And now with ‘movement’ we make learning a whole lot more FUN.


Art & Craft

Children tell us that art is fun, an activity they enjoy. As educators, we know that art encourages fine motor skills, neural development, and problem-solving abilities. And that it can be used effectively to teach and for children to understand other key subjects such as reading, writing, math, and science.


Cooking & Food Art

There are endless benefits that children derive from this activity. They learn literacy and focusing skills while cooking and reading recipes. They learn creativity and decisiveness when designing/decorating their own food. They also learn communication, team work and leadership skills when working hand-in-hand with other children.